If you know about the FM Whatsapp new version then you are at the right place. Because in this article you have reviewed FMWhatsApp APK, which is a modified app of the original WhatsApp. Also this article will tell you its features including advantages and disadvantages. So, I kindly request you for an interesting reading
I think you live in a modern world now, don’t you? If so, we have to rely heavily on information and communication in most cases. Let’s give an example, many messaging apps have come in the market since the advent of smartphones. Also day by day versions of the app and people are leaning towards different apps.
WhatsApp is still the king from the beginning (is it interesting that). You may be glad to know that WhatsApp allows you to be ultra-private during all types of messaging. On the other hand there are currently a lot of people who go further. That’s why developers are creating many similar versions of WhatsApp, similar to WhatsApp.
Why would you use FM WhatsApp New Version APK?
You have to admit that this app is a modified version of the original WhatsApp. If so, you need to know why you should use it. The answer to this question is simple; This version has more great features and visual experience than the original app. The FMWhatsApp app provides freedom of customization. As a result, you can personalize the app to your satisfaction. Let’s give an example, since you dislike the green layout of the original app, this app is the best.
What is FM WhatsApp New Version?
FMWhatsApp APK Best Modified Version. And the idea is that it was developed by Fawad Apps (the developer is Foudmakkad). Interestingly, they have introduced this to the users by adding a large range of features to this app. Sadly, this app doesn’t let you get into the Google Play Store. The funny thing is that you will be able to download it from a third party website. It is important to remember that before downloading the FMWhatsApp app you should be careful and use an antivirus. Because most of the websites have viruses and malware attached to these apps.
The good news is that on FM WhatsApp New Version you get the great version and where you can get more that your last visit, delivery report, online status and even other interface icons are allowed to be hidden. However, you can enjoy the flexibility of thousands of themes from the library because you have so many options to choose from.
Original Specification FM WhatsApp New Version
- Below is the exact information of FmWhatsApp APK.
- The name of the app is FmWhatsApp.
- The latest version is 14.09.
- The size of the app is 52.02 MB.
- The name of the developer is Foudmakkad.
- Package Name com.FmWhatsApp.
- This is a modified version of WhatsApp.
- The last update came on the internet on June 18, 2019.0
Key Features of FM WhatsApp New Version
Below are some of the exciting features that are available in the app. We hope you find the following:
1. Theme Store
In FMWhatsApp APK you will find the latest theme store. Also make your chat look more colorful as well as get a huge collection of HD themes in it. It also lets you sort them according to your needs and even set them on chat wallpapers.
2. Group message settings
This latest version allows you to invite people using the group invite link as a group admin. At the same time lets you choose people who can message in groups.
4. Privacy settings
Since people are now more concerned about privacy. So in this version the privacy related premium function is on. Interestingly, you will be able to hide your last online status. In addition, you will be able to hide / show a status of blue tick, call recording, second tick and message typing.
3. Call blocking
Get the latest FMWhatsApp call blocking function. You can control who can call you or not. However, if you feel annoyed at someone’s call, you can easily block them.
6. Message anyone
In the FMWhatsApp APK you can message anyone without saving it to your contacts. Interestingly, this is never possible with the real WhatsApp (isn’t great news). However, you are lucky to have found this app. Also on Fouad’s WhatsApp, you will only be able to message him using his number.
5. Send file type
Using FM WhatsApp New Version APK, you can send all kinds of files like zipping, PNG, APK, exe, jpg, etc. Sadly, WhatsApp you can only send files and documents to your friends and family and for business purposes.
7. Pin the conversation
With this WhatsApp, you can pin a huge number of people for quick access. The amount is about 1000. Moreover, everyone will want to download an app that allows pinning so many conversations. Also in this version you will be able to access them quickly and easily
8. Share HD quality images
When you share a photo or image with this app, it does not lose its quality. Similarly, in the original WhatsApp, when you send a picture, the quality of the pictures is lost. So FM WhatsApp New Version is free from these errors.
You already know that this app was created by Fouad Mokdad. So download it today to manage multiple accounts with the tempting feature of using different emoji.
It is also great for sharing audio, video and documents. However, when you run multiple accounts, all account data is stored in a separate folder (is it interesting that). Another interesting aspect is that get a clean user interface.
Advantages of FM WhatsApp New Version APK
Let’s take a look at the benefits of this app,
- Lets share large files up to 700 MB
- It will have an anti-delete feature. And these prevent the recipient from deleting the messages you sent.
- Lets you choose any theme from their library and where you get a collection of over a thousand themes.
- Lets you share up to ten pictures in one message.
Let’s take a look at the disadvantages of this app
Another problem with the FmWhatsApp app is privacy, meaning the developer can see the messages you send and receive. This error allows your developers to spy on you and even compromise your security
The last difficulty is speed. All functions work slower than the original app.
Installation guide oF FM WhatsApp New Version
You need to follow the steps.
- You need to open your computer
- Must be connected to the Internet
- Need to open web browser
- Go to Google.com.
- Search for downloadable files of FmWhatsApp.
- And at this stage the file has to be downloaded.
- Transfer the file to your Android phone.
- Then go to phone settings.
- Then go to security settings.
- Finally, enable the “Install from unknown source” option.
- Then install the final setup file.
- Once installed you can use the app.
Hopefully FM got a fair idea about the new version of WhatsApp. In fact, simple things can sometimes be annoying even if they don’t work out well. Always try to be aware of the risk of being blocked by WhatsApp.
You forgot to mention a few features, which is called Hide Chat on FM WhatsApp New Version.
Using the hide chat function you can watch a chat without informing the other person (is it interesting that). Not only that, you can download a status without letting the person know that you will do so.
All in all, you can add as many hidden chats as you like, without being tracked by others by using this feature.
Lastly, if you are willing to take mods risk to enjoy your messaging experience. But download FMWhatsApp APK today.
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